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Supervisor Jill Cox Emails: Episode 1 – Part 1

1. Scott White is a resident who is just trying to improve his property and get a project approved. He retained Jim Underwood in this matter because he wasn’t getting anywhere with the county. He didn’t expect his attorney to be playing both sides. (White)

From “Jill Cox” 

Subject FW: Backup Data 

To “‘Beth Lindauer'” 

Date July 25, 2022 4:58:16 PM CDT

From: Jim Underwood <

Sent: Friday, July 22, 2022, 6:46 PM 

To: Jill Cox Subject: Re: Backup Data 


Here isastab ata proposed staff report. Of course, it is too “Jim the Lawyer” so it would need to be put into your own words. Also, I thinkthat the CAO authorizations would better be a possible follow-up action. unless there is some related need up front. If possible, though, I’d notadd complication that can be avoided or deferred. 


On Fri, Jul 22, 2022 at 1:41 PM Jill Cox <> wrote: 


Below is the information I sent to SCED membersand Margaret lookingfor some guidance for the backup data. Your suggestion this morningregardingthe kitchen and Shasta College is perfect,along with the ideathat this isa project that would likely be supported by local partners. I feel like includingthe information Veronica provided yesterday regardingthe fact thatgrantors lookfor evidence of recent successful development within the community – that seems like yet anothergood reason to let motivated people move forward as they can. 

Additional suggested uses: 

Required heating/ coolingspaces duringstormsand fires. County ITis in need of safer storage, which the basement would be – asa possibility. ROI can be achieved by rentingthe space for events. (That’s ok, right?) 

I will be helping Veronicaat the pool from 2:30 – 5pm, which probably isn’t convenient; sorry! 

Thankyou for helping me! 


Beth, Bob & Margaret 

With ChairFrasier’s permission to agendize, please review the proposed language foran agendaitem for the August 2nd meetingand advise. 

Margaret,you and I will need to have aconversation so you know whatall is involved here, but this message will serve asa prompt to give me acalland also a template for our conversation. 

Askingthe Board for: 

  1. Permission to allow community-driven pursuit of fundingfor improvement to the County-owned Civil Defense Hall
  2. The CD Hall was built by the Department of Defense in the 1950s. It is one of only 2 of itskind – the second beingin Pasadena, CA. b. The CD Hall isa much-loved building by the citizens ofTrinity County. c. The buildingisalready frequently being used for public events (Festival of Lights) 
  3. There is interest on the part ofacommunity member to see the CD Hall undergo significant restorative attention, includingtoxic remediation and ADA access. 
  4. Permission to raise the CAO’s signing authorityfrom $25,000 currently allowed bycontract to $50,000 for this project only. 
  5. Permission beingrequested here would be for pass-through fundingfor equipment purchasesand/or contractingservices, fundingfor which DO NOT come from the County budget, rather from outside sources which need to funnel through the County. 


SCED is on board and desires to see this project through asan economic development opportunity. SCED is willingto explore GrantFunding opportunities through the USDA,EDA,EPA, 

The money would go to the County. The County would contract with SCED to administer the grant. We’re askingthe County’s permission forSCED to pursue grant funding on the County’s behalf. 

NOTE: NO COUNTY FUND DOLLARSare beingrequested for this project. 

Question for everyone’s consideration: 

  1. What objections might we need to considerand answer before Board discussion? 

Questions for Margaret: 

  1. What would be needed in order to indemnify the County ofany damages which may occur duringthis process? 



Jill Cox I Trinity County District 2 Supervisor I PO Box 1613 Weaverville, CA 96093 I office: 530.623.8321 I cell: 530.623.7226 

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